what they don’t want you to know about time

Olokede winner
5 min readJul 7, 2020

Time as we know it, is defined based on many intrinsic parameters, time can never be fully defined if space and matter is not placed into consideration. As an engineer and a little scientist myself, It is just normal that I consider these 3 factors in my discussion about TIME.


this tells us that time is an agent of space, time is limited, do something important with your life NOW!

Start saving now, start that project now, start thinking more about that idea now,

start asking more questions now, stop taking no for an answer now, stop making them look down on you now, stop that habit now. In all we do, this point rings the alarm that we should open our eyes to

the reality that time is just for awhile, no man has been promised eternity on earth, so try to avoid

procrastination and make good use of the opportunities and chances that falls into your lap and make full use of them. Do it now!

Of cause, the continuum isn’t normal until we talk about matter, to consider how matter matters to time ( pun intended), we consider this point,


This explains to us that we are the material influence on time, we are the ones that make time essential. Therefore, study/ learn to be quiet, there is no gain in running your mouth around, fine! Try and spread wisdom as much as possible, but then don’t allow your wisdom make you run your mouth

around and turn you into a fool, sometimes silence is really the best act of wisdom you can show, the reason why purpose may not be clear to some people is that they are too lousy both internally and

externally, so try to face your own business, do what concerns you alone, don’t go around disgracing

yourself and all you represent by been foolish. It is when we take good care of our own self, then can

we be able to maximize time properly, we are the ones that will determine how time will work out for us. So


Lastly, we have to talk about time itself, we have to explain time. Time over the years have been given

multiple definitions and I am not going to be stating definitions here, this is a talk from the mind, we are going to be talking about 4 interpretations of time.

1. Time cannot be stopped: you cannot press the breaks of the earth nor that of the universe,

this time doesn’t wait for any person, we have to struggle to catch up with it and make good use of it,

because it is what we do now, that generations to come will know, It is what we do now, that our

children, grand children will remember us for, it is what we do now that our nation will remember us

for. If the racial uprising in America now, taught us anything it is that what you do, can still impact

how you will be perceived centuries, hundreds of years from now, don’t eat the sour vine, so your

generations will bear the ache. Try and know that time is a parallel, it doesn’t stop but can bend to a

strong man or woman’s will, the question is,


You don’t have any excuse.Be the change we hope for.

2. Time cannot be stored: time as we know it, has no standard/ agreed upon unit or mode of

measurement, in places like china,

their is a Chinese calendar marking time differently as we know it, in the united Arab emirate its

different, the time and calendar is different, simply put, time is not a

safely kept commodity. Time, once spent cannot be found back, once you are done and out, you are out. There is no second chance in the game of time, once your time is gone, bye bye. So this makes

you realize that, time is no longer on your/our side anymore. Yesterday, I was thinking, because it was father’s day ( as at when i actually wrote the article) and I realized in the calendar of my life, I will be married in the next 6 to 8 years, and I

have just 4 to 5 years more, to prove my worth, to make my own mark before I start my own family,

before I start my own legacy. This shows that time is not sufficient for any of us again. Make up your mind now, do it now, start it now. You can never store time.

3. Time cannot be stretched: this shows that, time doesn’t give you an extra time, time doesn’t

try to extend itself for you, once you run out of your period of existence, your period of influence, you are out. No bargaining, just out. We have to realize this and get to work, and start planning how we

use our time, since it cannot be stretched it calls us to be able to make use of our time within the time

frame we have, no body listens to any one complaining that he/she never had enough time, all we want to see is the result!

4. Time can be managed: this is the only opportunity, time gives us, time can be studied

and be modeled or sectioned into how we want to effectively use it. Time can be reformed into how

we want to use it. This speaks to our ability try and get things done quickly, urgently while still been

careful and putting in enough background needed works. This also speaks to the fact that we should

not expose ourselves until we are ready, we should not put our self under the spotlight when we are

not yet cooked properly, it is the time we spend trying to form and reform our countenance that will

determine what we will extrude to the general public. Therefore, make use of your time well, to give

space to you properly managing the background, the works ( what nobody really appreciate) and

making good use of the spotlight too, the place where you will be celebrated and you stardom will come! peace up!

connect with me on my twitter and Facebook. also listen to my podcast. thanks you.



Olokede winner

I write about Technology, politics, people and society.